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Make YOUR voice count. COVID relief monies should benefit the
entire community of 
Washington county   

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Join us in our efforts to help
our community.

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American Rescue Plan

The American Rescue Plan has a broad range of possible uses with priority focus on.  Click below to learn all the details of what community investments can be included in this relief plan.

Possible Jail Expansion

Possible jail expansion:  Find out why county officials want to spend more than $20mm on a jail that's not needed


Alternatives to incarceration exist and uplift our communities.  This isn't an exhaustive list, but a place to start.  

Holding Hands

More details here

Direct household assistance: Food, rent, utilities, counseling, burial costs, home repairs, internet access, job training


Small business assistance:  Loans, grants, mortgage, rent, utilities, technical assistance, childcare assistance, transportation


Job Creation:  Subsidized employment, training, rehiring support


Infrastructure:  Water improvements, mental heath & substance abuse services, crisis support, affordable housing


Education:  summer education, learning programs, foster services, home visit programs


Jail - expand 230 beds, expand booking and other jail areas

Cookout Community Conversations

Coming to a neighborhood park near you. 

Let's talk with your quorum court representative on

the investments that benefit YOU where YOU live. 

We will cook out and discuss what investments the rescue monies can be used for to create a stronger, more vibrant community for us all.


Food starts at the start time and program begins 45 minutes after start


  1. Sept 8th Wed - Fayetteville - Salem Rd, Gary Hampton 

  2. Sept 20th Mon- Springdale- Shiloh square

  3. Sept 29th Wed- Elkins -  Elkins Bunch park pavilion

  4. Oct 6th Wed - Farmington - Farmington city park pavilion

  5. Oct 19th Tue - Lincoln - Lincoln downtown square & gazebo

  6. Oct 30th Sat- West Fork - Riverside park pavilion 5pm to 7pm

  7. Nov 12th Springdale Jones Center conducted in Marshallese 6pm to 8pm 

  8. Nov 14th Springdale conducted in Spanish - Imperial Event Center 2pm to 4pm

Jails ≠ Justice

















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